1. What is the one knitting accessory you could not live without?
really sturdy project bags
2. If you're heading on vacation, do you take knitting with you? If so, how much and what type of project?
my last vacation i took lace socks and a lace shawl. i only worked on the lace shawl.3. Where have you travelled to that you'd consider your favorite spot?
i loved paris. i'm thinking about going back for christmas 2008.4. What is your favorite knitting book at the moment? Do you own it?
my 2 favorite knitting books are knitting without tears
by elizabeth zimmerman and vogue
, both of which i own.
5. Do you listen to podcasts? Which is your favorite(s)?
lately i've been listening to knitpicks podcast, lets knit2gether, travel with rick steves, autism podcast and bon appetit6. If you could only knit with 1 color for the rest of your life, what color would that be?
7. If you were far into a project and then noticed a mistake near the beginning what would you do?
depends on what the mistake was and how noticeable it was. if it affected how the project fit then probably. if it was in the pattern probably not. i'm trying to be less of a perfectionist and go with the flow more.
8. Where is the most unsual spot you've ever knit?
in the recovery room after minor surgery, dressed in hospital gown and all. i dont think i knit very much but it was very soothing after.