Sunday, August 26, 2007


Guess I hit the wrong key and published that oh so riveting post. I've been very industrious lately, knitting and spinning away. I picked up Clapotis again. I forgot how mindless it is. Perfect for knitting group, TV watching. Its also not too taxing on the wrists. Slow and steady win the race..... A little progress on Swallowtail shawl. I wish I could knit more but I dont want to re-injure myself. Barbara from the knitting group said it took her wrists 6 mos to heal!!

I've also been spinning. It bothers my hands less. What a spin-tastrophe that was. I kept breaking the fiber, I think because there was not enough twist. After several attempts I finally couldnt even find the end to re-join. I thought maybe another fiber would be easier. But when I took the bobbin off the wheel the top thingee came off the bobbin. I ripped the yarn off the bobbin hoping to try again. I went rummaging through the stash. There was fiber everywhere.

Finally I was able to draft the brown BFL. Even more amazing was the realization that it was so much easier to let the twist travel up the drafted fiber instead of trying to spin and draft the fiber at the same time. Duhh. I finally settled down and me and the BFL have been getting along pretty well now. The fiber has been returned to its original hiding place and order has returned.

Well maybe not to the entire apt. I promised myself I'd organize my papers before I started the new job but thats less than 2 weeks away...

I've been baking a lot too, which no doubt is contributing to my inability to fit into several pairs of pants. It could be worse. It could have been Haagen Daz. This is a little GF fruit crisp. The topping is another Rebecca Reilly recipe using GF corn flakes, brown rice flour and butter. Yummm

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